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Antiquities Act

This folder contains the data behind the story Trump Might Be The First President To Scrap A National Monument.

This data was compiled by the National Parks Conservation Association and includes national monuments that were created by presidents by under the Antiquities Act. It does not include national monuments created by Congress.

current_nameCurrent name of piece of land designated under the Antiquities Act
statesState(s) or territory where land is located
original_nameIf included, original name of piece of land designated under the Antiquities Act
current_agencyCurrent land management agency. NPS = National Parks Service, BLM = Bureau of Land Management, USFS = US Forest Service, FWS = US Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA = National Oceanic and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
actionType of action taken on land
dateDate of action
yearYear of action
pres_or_congressPresident or congress that issued action
acres_affectedAcres affected by action. Note that total current acreage is not included. National monuments that cover ocean are listed in square miles.

Sources: National Parks Conservation Association and National Parks Service Archeology Program

