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This folder contains data behind the story Our Guide To The Exuberant Nonsense Of College Fight Songs.

fight-songs.csv contains data about fight songs from all schools in the Power Five conferences — the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC — plus Notre Dame. Some schools have more than one fight song, and some of the songs sanctioned as “official” by their schools aren’t the ones that fans sing out. We chose the songs that seemed best-known and best-loved. We also limited our analysis to the lyrics sung most regularly and also published by the school, so some verses were not included in the analysis. The tempo and length information come from the version of the song we chose from those available on Spotify.

Column definitions:

schoolSchool name
conferenceSchool college football conference
song_nameSong title
writersSong author
yearYear the song written. Some values are Unknown
student_writerWas the author a student? Some values are Unknown
official_songIs the song the official fight song according to the university?
contestWas the song chosen as the result of a contest?
bpmBeats per minute
sec_durationDuration of song in seconds
fightDoes the song say “fight”?
number_fightsNumber of times the song says “fight”?
victoryDoes the song say “victory”?
win_wonDoes the song say “win” or “won”?
victory_win_wonDoes the song say “victory,” “win” or “won”?
rahDoes the song say “rah”?
nonsenseDoes the song use nonsense syllables (e.g. "Whoo-Rah" or "Hooperay")
colorsDoes the song mention the school colors?
menDoes the song refer to a group of men (e.g. men, boys, sons, etc.)?
opponentsDoes the song mention any opponents?
spellingDoes the song spell anything?
trope_countTotal number of tropes (fight, victory, win_won, rah, nonsense,colors, men, opponents, and spelling).
spotify_idSpotify id for the song

