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Media Mentions 2020

This folder contains the data behind a series of stories about how often 2020 Democratic candidates are mentioned in cable news.

Cable News

cable_weekly.csv contains the mentions of currently declared major candidates for the 2020 Democratic primary since December 30, 2018 across CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. The TV News Archive measures coverage by splitting daily news footage into 15-second clips and finding the clips that contain a mention of our search query. Our search queries are the full names of each candidate. All candidates are queried starting December 30, 2018, however candidates are removed from the query once they have dropped out from the race.

dateStart date for the week of coverage. A week of coverage spans from Sunday through Saturday. The cutoff for measuring coverage for any given day is midnight Eastern Standard Time. (Clock changes for Daylight Saving Time are ignored.)
nameCandidate's name
matched_clipsNumber of 15-second clips that match query
all_candidate_clipsNumber of 15-second clips that match the following query ("Amy Klobuchar" OR "Andrew Yang" OR "Bernie Sanders" OR "Beto O'Rourke" OR "Bill de Blasio" OR "Cory Booker" OR "Elizabeth Warren" OR "Eric Swalwell" OR "Jay Inslee" OR "Joe Biden" OR "John Delaney" OR "John Hickenlooper" OR "Julian Castro" OR "JuliƔn Castro" OR "Kamala Harris" OR "Kirsten Gillibrand" OR "Marianne Williamson" OR "Michael Bennet" OR "Mike Gravel" OR "Pete Buttigieg" OR "Seth Moulton" OR "Steve Bullock" OR "Tim Ryan" OR "Tulsi Gabbard")
total_clipsTotal number of 15-second clips that week across the three networks
pct_of_all_candidate_clips(matched_clips / all_candidate_clips )
queryQuery for the GDELT Television API

Data is collected using the GDELT Television API, which processes the data from the TV News Archive.

Online News

online_weekly.csv contains the mentions of currently declared major candidates for the 2020 Democratic primary since December 30, 2018 across in online news stories from two collections in the Media Cloud database (U.S. Top Online News and U.S. Top Digital Native News). All candidates are queried starting December 30, 2018, however candidates are removed from the query once they have dropped out from the race.

dateStart date for the week of coverage. A week of coverage spans from Sunday through Saturday.
nameCandidate's name
matched_storiesNumber of stories that match query
all_candidate_storiesNumber of stories that match the following query ("Amy Klobuchar" OR "Andrew Yang" OR "Bernie Sanders" OR "Beto O'Rourke" OR "Bill de Blasio" OR "Cory Booker" OR "Elizabeth Warren" OR "Eric Swalwell" OR "Jay Inslee" OR "Joe Biden" OR "John Delaney" OR "John Hickenlooper" OR "Julian Castro" OR "JuliƔn Castro" OR "Kamala Harris" OR "Kirsten Gillibrand" OR "Marianne Williamson" OR "Michael Bennet" OR "Mike Gravel" OR "Pete Buttigieg" OR "Seth Moulton" OR "Steve Bullock" OR "Tim Ryan" OR "Tulsi Gabbard")
pct_of_all_candidate_stories(matched_stories / all_candidate_stories )
queryQuery for Media Cloud

