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NBA Draft 2015

This folder contains data behind the story Projecting The Top 50 Players In The 2015 NBA Draft Class.

historical_projections.csv contains historical results of the NBA draft projection model, 2001-2015.

PlayerPlayer name
PositionThe player's position going into the draft
IDThe player's identification code
Draft YearThe year the player was eligible for the NBA draft
Projected SPMThe model's projected statistical plus/minus over years 2-5 of the player's NBA career
SuperstarProbability of becoming a superstar player (1 per draft, SPM >= +3.3)
StarterProbability of becoming a starting-caliber player (10 per draft, SPM >= +0.5)
Role PlayerProbability of becoming a role player (25 per draft, SPM >= -1.4)
BustProbability of becoming a bust (everyone else, SPM < -1.4)

