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The Next Bechdel Test

This folder contains data behind the story The Next Bechdel Test.

nextBechal_allTests.csv and shows the high-level breakdown of which movies passed and failed - Each row is one of the 50 top-grossing movies from 2016. - Each column is one of the tests. A 0 means the movie failed that test, a 1 means it passed.

nextBechal_castGender.csv contains the estimated gender for the entire cast for every movie, including whether a role was supporting or main. Data was obtained from The Numbers.

MOVIETitle of the film
ACTORFull name of the actor
CHARACTERAll characters played by the actor in that movie
TYPELeading, Supporting, Cameo or Lead Ensemble Member
BILLINGBilling number
GENDEREstimated gender of the actor

nextBechal_crewGender.csv contains data for the crew for every movie, by probablity that a give first name is male.

MOVIETitle of the film
DEPARTMENTFull name of the actor
FULL_NAMEActor's first and last name
FIRST_NAMEJust first name of actor
IMDBActor's IMDB page
GENDER_PROBPercent chance that a given name is male
GENDER_GUESSBased on the probablity, guess if the name is male or female

