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This file contains links to the data behind The Complete History Of The NFL and our NFL Predictions.

nfl_elo.csv contains game-by-game Elo ratings and forecasts back to 1920. nfl_elo_latest.csv contains game-by-game Elo ratings and forecasts for only the latest season.

dateDate of game
seasonYear of season
neutralWhether game was on a neutral site
playoffWhether game was in playoffs, and the playoff round if so
team1Abbreviation for home team
team2Abbreviation for away team
elo1_preHome team's Elo rating before the game
elo2_preAway team's Elo rating before the game
elo_prob1Home team's probability of winning according to Elo ratings
elo_prob2Away team's probability of winning according to Elo ratings
elo1_postHome team's Elo rating after the game
elo2_postAway team's Elo rating after the game
qbelo1_preHome team's quarterback-adjusted base rating before the game
qbelo2_preAway team's quarterback-adjusted base rating before the game
qb1Name of home starting quarterback
qb2Name of away starting quarterback
qb1_value_preHome starting quarterbacks's raw Elo value before the game
qb2_value_preAway starting quarterbacks's raw Elo value before the game
qb1_adjHome starting quarterbacks's Elo adjustment for the game
qb2_adjAway starting quarterbacks's Elo adjustment for the game
qbelo_prob1Home team's probability of winning according to quarterback-adjusted Elo
qbelo_prob2Away team's probability of winning according to quarterback-adjusted Elo
qb1_game_valueHome quarterback's Elo value during this game
qb2_game_valueAway quarterback's Elo value during this game
qb1_value_postHome starting quarterbacks's raw Elo value after the game
qb2_value_postAway starting quarterbacks's raw Elo value after the game
qbelo1_postHome team's quarterback-adjusted base rating after the game
qbelo2_postAway team's quarterback-adjusted base rating after the game
score1Home team's score
score2Away team's score
qualityRating of game's quality, based on the harmonic mean of the teams’ pregame Elo ratings, scaled from 0-100
importanceRating of game's importance, based on how much the result would affect the model's forecasted playoff odds, scaled from 0-100
total_ratingThe average of quality and importance


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