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How Redistricting Affects The Battle For State Legislatures

This repo contains the data behind the story How Redistricting Affects The Battle For State Legislatures. fivethirtyeight_state_legislative_district_analysis.csv contains results of FiveThirtyEight's analysis of state legislative district lines drawn in the redistricting process to reflect the 2020 census. This file also contains the same analysis results for the previously enacted map for each state and chamber included in the analysis, to allow for comparisons in how redistricting shaped and shifted political power in state legislative chambers.

yearYear the district lines were active. 2022 dictates new lines drawn in redistricting process to reflect 2020 census. 2020 dictates old lines that were active prior to the 2020-21 redistricting process.
stateTwo-letter state abbreviation. 15 states are included: AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ME, MI, MN, NC, NM, NV, OR, PA, TX and VA.
chamberState legislative chamber. Either upper (state Senate) or lower (state House). Blank for Arizona, where state legislative chambers share the same map.
districtDistrict number. statewide rows contain metrics that apply to the legislative map as a whole, not for individual districts (efficiency_gap and median metrics).
metricMetric name:<br><ul><li>total_pop: Total population</li><li>total_vap: Total voting age population</li><li>biden_2020: Joe Biden's voteshare in the 2020 election within these specific district lines</li><li>Trump_2020: Donald Trump's voteshare in the 2020 election within these specific district lines</li><li>pvi: FiveThirtyEight's partisan lean index. (The average margin difference between how a state or district votes and how the country votes overall. This version of partisan lean, meant to be used for congressional and gubernatorial elections, is calculated as 50 percent the state or district’s lean relative to the nation in the most recent presidential election, 25 percent its relative lean in the second-most-recent presidential election and 25 percent a custom state-legislative lean.)</li><li>median: Difference between the pvi of the chamber's median district and the pvi of the state as a whole (only populated when the district column is statewide).</li><li>efficiency_gap: <a href="">Efficiency Gap</a> (a measure of how efficiently distributed each party’s votes are) for this statewide map (only populated when the district column is statewide).</li></ul>Voting age population by race/ethnicity:<ul><li>asian_vap: Non-Hispanic Asian voting age population</li><li>black_vap: Non-Hispanic Black or African American voting age population</li><li>hispanic_vap: Hispanic or Latino voting age population of any race(s)</li><li>native_vap: Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native voting age population</li><li>other_vap: Non-Hispanic "Some Other Race" voting age population</li><li>pacisl_vap: Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander voting age population</li><li>two_plus_vap: Non-Hispanic voting age population or two or more races</li><li>white_vap: Non-Hispanic White voting age population</li></ul>
valueNumeric value for metric (when applicable). Populated for all metric values besides biden_2020 and trump_2020.
pctPercent of total for metric (when applicable). Populated for biden_2020, trump_2020, and all voting age population by race/ethnicity metric values.

