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SPI Ratings

This file contains links to the data behind our Club Soccer Predictions and Global Club Soccer Rankings.

Match files

spi_matches.csv contains match-by-match SPI ratings and forecasts back to 2016.

spi_matches_latest.csv contains match-by-match SPI ratings and forecasts for each league's latest season.

spi_matches_intl.csv contains match-by-match SPI ratings and forecasts for international leagues.

The headers for the _matches files are:

seasonThe season during which the match was played
dateThe date of the match (YYYY-MM-DD)
league_idA unique identifier for the league this match was played in
leagueThe name of the league this match was played in
team1The home team's name
team2The away team's name
spi1The home team's overall SPI rating before the match
spi2The away team's overall SPI rating before the match
prob1The probability of the home team winning the match
prob2The probability of the away team winning the match
probtieThe probability of match ending in a draw (if applicable)
proj_score1The number of goals we expected the home team to score
proj_score2The number of goals we expected the away team to score
importance1The importance of the match for the home team (0-100)
importance2The importance of the match for the away team (0-100)
score1The number of goals scored by the home team
score2The number of goals scored by the away team
xg1The number of expected goals created by the home team
xg2The number of expected goals created by the away team
nsxg1The number of non-shot expected goals created by the home team
nsxg2The number of non-shot expected goals created by the away team
adj_score1The number of goals scored by the home team, adjusted for game state
adj_score2The number of goals scored by the home team, adjusted for game state

See how our club soccer predictions work for more information on these fields.

Global ranking files

spi_global_rankings.csv contains current SPI ratings and rankings for men's club teams.

spi_global_rankings_intl.csv contains current SPI ratings and rankings for men's international teams.

The headers for the _global_rankings files are:

rankThe team's current global ranking
prev_rankThe team's global ranking a week ago
nameThe team's name
leagueThe league the team plays in
offThe team's offensive SPI rating
defThe team's defensive SPI rating
spiThe team's overall SPI rating


Data Previews









