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France Terror Attacks

This directory contains data, code and charts behind the story The Rise Of Religiously Inspired Terrorism In France.

The data source is the Global Terrorism Database (GTD). Raw data files from the GTD were retrieved on November 13, 2015; however, the raw data can not be made public. The data is freely available at the GTD website. Please see the GTD codebook -- the file GTD_Codebook_2015Final.pdf -- for more information.

Note: incident-level data for the year 1993 does not exist in the GTD database. However, in appendenix II of the codebook, GTD provides country-level summary statistics for that year; that data is included in the file country_stats_1993_appendix2.csv.

The FiveThirtyEight analysis is contained in the following files:

paris_terror_analysis.RAn R script that loads the GTD raw data and performs analysis
france_fatalities.pngTotal fatalities from terrorism incidents in France, by year (from 1972 through 2014)
france_terrorism_fatalities_by_year.csvThe raw data behind the chart above
eu_fatalities.pngTotal fatalities from terrorism incidents in the EU countries that joined in 1986 or earlier, from 1986 through 2014
eu_terrorism_fatalities_by_year.csvThe raw data behind the chart above
eu_fatalities_by_country.pngTotal fatalities from terrorism incidents in the EU countries that joined in 1986 or earlier, for each country from 1972 through 2014
eu_terrorism_fatalities_by_country.csvThe raw data behind the chart above
country_stats_1993_appendix2.csvThis data is from Appendix II of the GTD codebook (found on pages 60-62); it includes country-level statistics on terrorism incidents in the year 1993.

