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Trump Lawsuits

This folder contains the data behind the stories:

docketNumberCurrent docket number
dateFiledDate lawsuit was originally filed
caseNameCase name (current)
plaintiffNames of plaintiffs (if more than five, "et al" for plaintiffs who are not in case name)
defendantNames of defendants (if more than five, "et al" for defendants who are not in case name)
currentLocationCourt the lawsuit is currently in front of
previousLocationOther courts the case has appeared before
jurisdictionWhere the case is being heard1 = Federal; 2 = State
judgeNames of the judges the case is currently before
naturePACER code for nature of lawsuit (Not relevant for criminal cases)
capacityThe capacity in which Trump is implicated1 = Case directed at Trump personally; 2 = Case directed at action of Trump administration; 3 = Trump as plaintiff; 4 = Trump administration as plaintiff; 5 = Case directed at Trump associate; 6 = Other
typeCriminal vs. civil1 = Criminal; 2 = Civil
TrumpCategoryWhether the case is related to action before Trump was president, his personal conduct as president, or a policy action as president1 = Case directed at pre-presidency action; 2 = Case directed at personal action of Trump as president; 3 = Case directed at policy action of Trump as president
issueKey topic area raised in the case (i.e. emoluments, First Amendment, DACA, etc). Categories created based on key policy topic area or legal issue. Calls are subjective and based on reporting and may change.
docketOrigOriginal docket number, if case has been appealed or changed jurisdiction
statusWhether the case, or the part of the case connected to Trump, is ongoing.1 = Case is ongoing; 2 = Case or part of case connected to Trump is closed

