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U.S. Weather History

This folder contains data and code behind the story What 12 Months Of Record-Setting Temperatures Looks Like Across The U.S..


Code fileDescription
wunderground_scraper.pyDownloads weather data web pages from Weather Underground
wunderground_parser.pyParses the weather data from Weather Underground into a flat CSV file
visualize_weather.pyCreates the visualization of the weather data


dateThe date of the weather record, formatted YYYY-M-D
actual_mean_tempThe measured average temperature for that day
actual_min_tempThe measured minimum temperature for that day
actual_max_tempThe measured maximum temperature for that day
average_min_tempThe average minimum temperature on that day since 1880
average_max_tempThe average maximum temperature on that day since 1880
record_min_tempThe lowest ever temperature on that day since 1880
record_max_tempThe highest ever temperature on that day since 1880
record_min_temp_yearThe year that the lowest ever temperature occurred
record_max_temp_yearThe year that the highest ever temperature occurred
actual_precipitationThe measured amount of rain or snow for that day
average_precipitationThe average amount of rain or snow on that day since 1880
record_precipitationThe highest amount of rain or snow on that day since 1880

Source: Weather Underground

